Sunday, March 7, 2010

CinC Daily Orders - 12 June 1813

Strategic Map 12 June 1813

Archduke Charles

Charles first objective is to secure a crossing of the river Salach. He orders 1 corps to march towards Passau and 2 corps to cover his left flank and pin Salzburg. 3 and 4 corps are ordered forward to Linz.

HQ - move to Raab

1 corps - move to Raab

2 corps - move to Hausruck

3 corps - move to Ybbs

4 corps - move to St Polten

Marshal Oudinot

Oudinot has dismissed the Austrian concentration at Linz, and is unaware of his mistake until he received a dispatch from Passau at midnight confirming that the Austrians have crossed the river Salach at Linz.

HQ - Munich

9 corps - hold Passau

10 corps - hold Munich

11 corps - hold Salzburg

12 corps - hold Ratisbon

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