Monday, August 16, 2010

Summary of Passau Campaign

20 June 1813 - End of Campaign


The Passau campaign is the fourth phase of the larger 1813 Campaign. It covers the period 12 June to 20 June 1813 and the fighting in southern Germany between Third French Army and the Austrians.

It has been done as a separate blog in order to keep all of the relevant reports together and to avoid making the main campaign blog too long and complicated.

We started the campaign on 3 March 2010 and finished on 10 July 2010

The full campaign report can be read at:

Background to the Campaign

Napoleon is confident that the Austrian army will remain neutral during 1813. Not only did they fight alongside the French in Russia the previous year, but also Napoleon is married to the daughter of the Emperor Ferdinand. Despite this he sends Marshal Oudinot to Munich to take command of the Bavarian and Baden armies, to reorganize them and to ensure that no Austrian troops are sent north to join the allies.

Austria has long resented earlier defeats at the hands of the French. Observing the French defeat and retreat from Russia, Ferdinand forms an alliance with the allies to strike at France through Bavaria.

The Austrian advance down the Danube valley comes as a complete surprise to Oudinot.

Summary of the Campaign

On 12 June the Archduke Charles enters Bavaria at the head of two corps, the remaining two to join him as quickly as possible.

The following day Marshal Oudinot orders his army to concentrate between Passau and Salzburg.

On 14 June the Austrians enter Altheim and isolate 9 Bavarian corps on the northern bank of the river Danube at Passau.

Next day 2 Austrian corps take Mattsee and isolate 11 Bavarian corps at Salzburg.

On 16 June 11 Bavarian corps attack Mattsee to open communications with Passau. They are defeated and retreat to Salzburg.

10 Bavarian corps are marching west to the proposed concentration area but are defeated at Altheim on 17 June and retreat towards Munich
10 Bavarian corps halt at Branau and hold the Austrians at bay long enough to allow 9 corps to cross the river Danube and join them. A determined attack by 1 and 3 Austrian corps force them both to retire towards Munich at nightfall.

11 corps are now isolated at Salzburg, and on 20 June they are attacked by 2 Austrian corps. The Austrians lose the battle and are forced to withdraw south into the alpine passes away from the main army

20 June – 2 Austrian corps attack Salzburg, are defeated and forced to withdraw south into the alpine passes away from the main Austrian army.

The next day Archduke orders his remaining three corps to attack Reishach before the
Bavarians at Salzburg can march north against his flank. Oudinot has concentrated three of his corps who defeat the Austrians and force them to withdraw east towards Linz.

After a very good start Archduke Charles ends the campaign with his army widely dispersed and must withdraw to Linz to allow his army time to regroup if he is to hold the road to Vienna.

Despite his failure to concentrate his army to meet the Austrian attack, Marshal Oudinot finally defeats the Austrian army to save Munich and drives them back to their start point. He is now well placed to go on to the offensive and advance towards Vienna.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

End of Campaign

22 June 1813

Strategic map at end of campaign

Archduke Charles

The Austrian army have won a limited victory at Reishach, but have failed to take that town. 11 Bavarian corps has arrived at Mattsee making it impossible for them to maintain their position at Branau. Charles orders an immediate retreat to Linz.

HQ – join 3 corps
1 corps – move to Altheim
2 corps – move to Mondsee
3 corps – move to Altheim
4 corps – move to Franken

Marshal Oudinot

Outinot has been forced to withdraw to Reishach to regroup his three battered corps. 11 corps has been ordered to move to Reishach and attack any enemy troops in that area. His remaining three corps will join 11 corps if the enemy have not retreated. If they have they will remain in and around Reishach and regroup.

HQ – hold Reishach
9 corps – hold Reishach
10 corps – hold Reishach
11 corps – move to Reishach
12 corps – hold Reishach

Conclusion of Campaign

The Austrian invasion of Bavaria has ended in failure. Both armies are battered and unable to continue offensive operations without reinforcements and resupply.

Marshal Oudinot has concentrated his army in front of Munich and forced the enemy to retreat. However he has suffered heavy casualties, and is in no condition to go onto the offensive. He will now await further orders from Napoleon.

Both armies will require a few weeks to rest and regroup.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Battle of Reishach - Move 11

1800 to 1900

21 June 1813

Situation at the end of Move 11

French CinC – Gifted – 5 Command Points

With Poor commander, pass command to him

12 Baden corps – Poor – 2 Command Points

Orders: Hold village on right

Gunners man guns

Replacement garrison advance to centre of village

Test morale for Routed infantry, rally, Shaken

Austrian CinC – Poor – 6 Command Points

With Poor commander, pass command to him

4 Austrian corps – Poor – 3 Command Points

Orders – Engage

Fire on artillery, roll 11, 1 hit

Gunners test morale, roll 1, Shaken

Move infantry into village

1 Austrian corps – Average – 5 Command Points

Orders: Hold

Move Shaken cavalry into reserve

Move square 2” to allow gunners to return to guns

Jagers skirmish Shaken approaching infantry, no casualties

Test morale for Shaken hussars, roll 2, fail and Rout

No friendly troops within 4”

10 Bavarian corps – Average – 54Command Points

Orders: Engage

Move guns forward 4” and unlimber

Move reserve infantry 6” forward

Move general to centre of corps

Test morale for Shaken 5 brigade, roll 3, fail and Rout

Test morale for Shaken 6 brigade, roll 1, fail and Rout

Test morale for Artillery, roll 3, fail and Shaken

9 Bavarian corps – Average – 6 Command Points

Orders: Engage

No enemy within range of artillery

Limber guns and move forward 4”

Reposition general to centre of corps

Skirmish enemy in woods, no casualties

Test morale for Shaken infantry, roll 5, remain Shaken

Test morale for Shaken cavalry, roll 4, remain Shaken

French Gifted Card

Only Gifted general already had his turn

Poor Card

No effect, all Poor commanders have already had their turn

3 Austrian corps – Average – 6 Command Points

Orders – Engage

Cannister enemy guns, roll 4, miss

Move cavalry into reserve

Infantry advance towards village

9 brigade firefight, lose, retire Shaken with 2 casualties

11 brigade firefight, win, enemy Rout with 3 casualties

Shaken cavalry test morale, remain Shaken

Shaken gunners test morale, remain Shaken

Shaken infantry test morale, fail and Rout


Marshal Oudinot orders a retreat to Reishach. His three corps are badly shaken and the withdrawal will allow them to regroup under cover of darkness, and also for 11 corps to arrive and reinforce them. He has lost 12 infantry, 2 cavalry and 4 gunners.

Archduke Charles has won a limited victory, but without cavalry is unable to turn the enemy retreat into a rout. He has just received warning that 11 Bavarian corps is approaching his rear left and must immediately retreat to maintain his lines of communications. He orders an immediate retreat towards Altheim. He has lost 14 infantry, 5 cavalry and 0 gunners.

French right flank

12 Baden corps just manage to hold the village. They will abandon it under cover of darkness and fall back level with Reisach

French centre

9 Bavarian corps hold the village in the centre, but their two brigades linking with the right flank are in rout, and their cavalry shaken and about to join the rout. Under cover of darkness they will abandon the village and fall back level with Reisach.

French left flank

10 Bavarian corps attack on the woods has failed and both brigades are in rout. However their cavalry and artillery will prevent the disorders 1 Austrian corps attempting a follow up. During the hours of darkness they will fall back on Reishach.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Battle of Reishach - Move 10

1700 to 1800

21 June 1813

Table at the end of Move 10

Austrian CinC – Poor – 5 Command Points

Change 4 corps orders to “Attack”

1 Austrian corps – Average – 4 Command Points

Orders: Hold

Bavarian cavalry declare opportunity charge, roll 4, fail

Move cavalry behind square

Move general

Jagers skirmish infantry, roll 1, miss

Square skirmish cavalry, roll 5, miss

Shaken hussars test morale, roll 5, fail still Shaken

12 Baden corps – Poor – 3 Command Points

Orders: Hold village on right

Garrison retire to centre of village

8 brigade enter village to replace garrison

Gunners leave village to join guns

Garrison test morale, roll 1, Rout

8 brigade test morale, roll 6, pass

Gunners test morale, roll 6, pass

9 Bavarian corps – Average – 7 Command Points

Orders: Hold centre village

Artillery fire on routing infantry, roll 8, sixth hit

10 brigade test morale, roll 3, continue Rout

12 brigade test morale, roll 6, continue Rout

Move general

Move infantry 6”

Move general

Cavalry withdraw 7”

Infantry skirmish, roll 6, 1 hit

Enemy infantry test morale, roll 5, pass

French Gifted Card

French CinC – Gifted – 7 Command Points

With Poor commander, no further action

1 Austrian corps – Average – 6 Command Points

Orders – Engage

Cannister infantry, roll 8, 1 hit

Overshoot cavalry, roll 9, 1 hit

Infantry test morale, roll 3, Shaken

Cavalry test morale, roll 3, Shaken

Move general

Advance infantry 6”

9 brigade skirmish, roll 5, miss

11 brigade skirmish, roll 3, miss

Enemy skirmish back, miss

Poor Card

4 Austrian corps – Poor – 0 Command Points

Orders – Engage

Miss move due to Poor Card

10 Bavarian corps – Average – 5 Command Points

Orders: Engage

Artillery screened by own troops

Limber guns and move forward 4”

Cavalry retire 6” facing enemy

Grenadiers skirmish, roll 4, miss

Jagers reply, roll 5, 1 hit

Grenadiers test morale, roll 3, Shaken


The dreaded Poor Card deprives 4 Austrian corps of its move again. This could be decisive as they are poised to attack the village to take advantage of the change of garrison.

The remainder of the battle swings from one side to the other. It is still anyone’s game.

Austrian infantry continue to skirmish with village, but to no effect. They are on “Engage” orders and can not storm the village without “Attack” orders.

The Bavarian attack on the woods is stalling with both leading brigades Shaken. The two supporting brigades have been left well behind, at least two moves to bring them into the firing line. The artillery is moving forward to break the enemy square.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Battle of Reishach - Move 9

1600 to 1700

21 June 1813

Table at the end of Move 9

Austrian CinC – Poor – 5 Command Points

Change 1 corps orders to “Hold”

Move to 4 corps

9 Bavarian corps – Average – 7 Command Points

Orders: Hold centre village

Artillery fire on infantry, roll 7, miss

Cavalry charge Shaken infantry

Infantry Rout with 2 more casualties

Supporting brigade also fail morale and join Rout

Move commander to centre

Reposition infantry

French Gifted Card

French CinC – Gifted – 6 Command Points

Move to 12 corps

Poor Card

10 Bavarian corps – Average – 5 Command Points

Orders: Engage

Artillery fire on cavalry, roll 9, hit

Cavalry test morale, roll 6, pass

Enemy cavalry test morale to Opportunity Charge, roll 1, fail

Move general

Turn cavalry to face enemy cavalry and form line

1 Austrian corps – Average – 7 Command Points

Orders – Hold

Cavalry charge enemy cavalry, lose melee retreat Shaken

Jagers skirmish infantry inflict 1 hit and receive 1 hit

Jagers test morale, roll 2, fail and Shaken

12 Baden corps – Poor

Orders: Hold village on right

Miss move due to Poor Card

3 Austrian corps – Average – 4 Command Points

Orders: Engage

Artillery fire canister on village, roll 10, third hit

Garrison test morale, roll 5, remain Shaken

Infantry advance 6”

Manhandle guns 2”

Skirmish inflict 1 hit, receive 1 hit

Test morale for infantry, 4, pass

Test morale for Routed cavalry, 6, rally to Shaken

4 Austrian corps – Poor – 5 Command Points

Orders – Engage

Artillery screened by friendly troops

Move general

Retire cavalry 6” facing enemy square

Both leading infantry skirmish village, no casaulties


Poor Card hits Baden corps this time, not the Austrians

Austrian cavalry unlucky to fail Opportunity Charge on enemy flank, and then lose melee. The battle could still go either way, but the advantage is now with the Bavrians

Austrian infantry continue to skirmish with village, but to no effect. They are on “Engage” orders and can not storm the village without “Attack” orders.

The Austrian hussars failed to charge enemy flank and then lost the melee and retired Shaken. It is likely that the Bavarian cavalry will Rout them next turn

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Corps Commanders Orders - Move 30

Battle of Reishach at the start of move 30

1600 to 2000

21 June 1813

Tactical Map move 30

Archduke Charles has failed to take Reisach, but is now too committed to break off the battle before nightfall. The advantage has passed to Oudinot and it seems unlikely that the Austrian’s will win

HQ – move to D2
1 corps – move to C2
2 corps – halt E9
3 corps – move to D3
4 corps – move to D4

Marshal Oudinot has held his own during the battle of Reisach, and has received confirmation that 11 corps is approaching Mattsee and should be in position to attack the enemy flank if they do not immediately retreat.

HQ – halt C3
9 corps – hold C3
10 corps – hold C2
11 corps – move to E5
12 corps – hold C4

Monday, June 28, 2010

Battle of Reishach - Move 8

1500 to 1600

21 June 1813

Table at the end of Move 8

12 Baden corps – Poor – 6 Command Points

Orders: Hold village on right

Artillery fire on guns, roll 8, second hit

Overshoot on infantry, roll 4, miss

Cavalry test morale, roll 3, fail, Shaken

Redeploy infantry

3 Austrian corps – Average – 4 Command Points

Orders: Halt

Artillery fire on guns, roll 4, miss

Shaken cavalry charge enemy guns

Enemy cavalry test morale to counter charge, roll 1, fail

Enemy gunners evade to village

Move infantry forward 6”

Manhandle guns forward 2”

Shaken cavalry test morale, roll 3, fail and Rout

Shaken infantry test morale, roll 4, fail remain Shaken

French CinC – Gifted – 6 Command Points

Move to 9 corps

Change orders to “Engage”

Move to 10 corps

10 Bavarian corps – Average – 7 Command Points

Orders: Engage

Artillery fire on artillery, roll 8, miss

Overshoot on infantry, roll 7, miss

Move grenadiers towards woods

Move cavalry towards limbered artillery

Move general to centre of corps

Poor Card

1 Austrian corps – Average – 5 Command Points

Orders – Halt

Enemy cavalry test for Opportunity Charge, roll 5, charge

Gunners evade to supporting square

Cavalry advance on flank of enemy cavalry and form line

French Gifted Card

Only Gifted commander already moved

9 Bavarian corps – Average – 4 Command Points

Orders: Hold centre village

Artillery fire on infantry, roll 6, miss

Move general to centre of corps

Move cavalry to charge move of shaken enemy infantry

Austrian CinC – Poor

Miss move due to Poor Card

4 Austrian corps – Poor – 3 Command Points

Orders – Engage

Artillery fire on village, roll 8, second hit

Garrison test morale, roll 1, fail Shaken

Infantry advance 6”

Two leading brigades skirmish village

1st brigade roll 5, miss

2nd brigade roll 6, another hit

Garrison reply, roll 3, miss

Garrison test morale, roll 3, fail remain Shaken


Once again the Poor Card deprives the Austrian CinC of his move and he is unable to issue orders to 1 corps to engage.

The battle has reached a critical point and either side could win. A lot will depend on who moves first and, of course, the Poor Card.

Austrian left and centre approach enemy line. 3 corps dragoons have routed , allowing enemy cavalry to approach within charge move of shaken infantry brigade.

Bavarian cavalry have forced Austrian gunners to abandon their guns, but in doing so have exposed their flank to the Austrian cavalry who have moved forward in order to Opportunity Charge next move.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Battle of Reishach - Move 7

1400 to 1500

21 June 1813

Table at the end of Move 7

10 Bavarian corps – Average – 5 Command Points

Orders: Engage

Artillery fire on cavalry, roll 10, 1 hit

Cavalry test morale, roll 4, pass

Move general to front

Grenadiers form column of attack and move towards woods

Move general back to centre

3 Austrian corps – Average – 5 Command Points

Orders: Halt

Artillery fire on guns, roll 7, miss

No further action allowed as on Halt orders

4 Austrian corps – Poor – 5 Command Points

Orders – Engage

Artillery fire on village, roll 9, 1 hit

Garrison test morale, roll 4, pass

Infantry advance 6”

Cavalry advance 12”

French CinC – Gifted – 7 Command Points

Move to 12 corps (Poor commander)

Austrian CinC – Poor – 4 Command Points

Change 3 corps orders to “Engage”

Move to commander 1 corps

9 Bavarian corps – Average – 5 Command Points

Orders: Hold centre village

Artillery fire on infantry, roll 9, second hit

Infantry test morale, roll 3, Shaken

Reposition infantry

French Gifted Card

Only Gifted commander already moved

1 Austrian corps – Average – 6 Command Points

Orders – Halt

Move infantry into woods to support jagers

Infantry form square to protect guns

Limber guns and redeploy

Move cavalry into centre

12 Baden corps – Poor – 5 Command Points

Orders: Hold village on right

Austrian cavalry declare opportunity charge on shaken infantry

Roll 2, fail to charge

Artillery fire on cavalry, roll 10, 1 hit

Cavalry test morale, roll 5, pass

Infantry advance and form square

Guns manhandle 2” forward

Test morale for Shaken infantry, roll 5, pass

Poor Card

No effect as all Poor commanders have moved


The Poor Card arrived too late to affect any commander. The Austrian left and centre how have orders to advance and engage the enemy right. The Austrians have suffered more artillery casualties and morale is becoming fragile, particularly 1 corps on the right

Austrian left and centre begin their advance to engage the enemy

Archduke Charles has arrived on the right flank to issue new orders to 1 corps. They have suffered heavy artillery casualties and are unable to either advance or retire due to their Halt orders and the confined space between the woods

The French right and centre await the Austrian attack. The Baden corps have rallied their shaken infantry but are missing their routed cavalry.

The French left prepare to advance against he battered 1 Austrian corps. They have used their longer range 12 pounder guns to good effect and the enemy are fragile. It is a race to see whether this attack can break the Austrians before their attack on the opposite flank can be launched.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Battle of Reishach - Move 6

1300 to 1400

21 June 1813

Table at the end of Move 6

12 Baden corps – Poor – 5 Command Points

Orders : Hold village on right

Artillery fire on guns, roll 7, miss

Manhandle guns 2” forward

Form garrison in village

Regroup infantry and form column of attack

Test morale for routed cavalry, roll 2, continue rout off table

Test morale for routed infantry, roll 5, rally to Shaken.

9 Bavarian corps – Average – 7 Command Points

Orders: Hold centre village

Artillery fire on infantry, roll 8, 1 hit

Infantry test morale, roll 4, pass

Reposition cavalry

Reposition general

Form garrison in village

Poor Card

1 Austrian corps – Average – 6 Command Points

Orders – Halt

Artillery fire on woods, roll 7, miss

Reposition infantry

4 Austrian corps – Poor

Orders – Hold

Miss move due to Poor Card

10 Bavarian corps – Average – 5 Command Points

Orders: Hold woods on left

Artillery fire on infantry, roll 5, miss

Manhandle guns forward 1”

Reposition infantry

French CinC – Gifted – 6 Command Points

Move to commander 10 corps

Change orders to “Engage”

Austrian CinC – Poor – 6 Command Points

Move to commander 4 corps

Change orders to “Engage”

Move to commander 3 corps

3 Austrian corps – Average – 4 Command Points

Orders: Halt

Artillery fire on guns, roll 7, miss

Swop cavalry with grenadier brigade

French Gifted Card

Only Gifted commander already moved


The Austrian army continues to suffer from the Poor Card, but Archduke Charles has been able to change one corps orders.

Archduke Charles has ordered 4 corps to engage enemy, and moved to 3 corps to give them similar orders. If successful his right flank will hold whilst the left moves to engage.

1 Austrian corps has come under artillery fire and is redeploying infantry to avoid casualties, but having difficulties due to confined space between woods.